PSA Rapid Test
The PSA Rapid Test is a chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), which aids in the diagnosis of prostate-related conditions such as prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, or prostate cancer.
Results in up to 15 minutes.Detection limit: 4 ng/mL of PSA
Sensitivity: 100%
Sample: Whole blood, serum, or plasma
Specificity: 98,99%
Presentation: Kit with 10, 20, 30 or 40 testes
Anvisa Registration: 80638720091
FOB Test (Sem Dieta)
The Quantitative Fecal Occult Blood Test is a rapid test for the quantitative detection of occult blood (human hemoglobin) in fecal samples. The test is used as an aid in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal disorders.
Results in 5 minutes.No dietary restrictions required. Storage at room temperature.
Sensibility: 50 ng/mL ou 6 μg/g
Sample: Human stool
Presentation: Kit with 20, 25 ou 40 testes
Anvisa Registration: 80638720069
D-Dímero Test
The D-Dimer Test Biocon is a rapid qualitative chromographic immunoassay for the detection of D-dimers in whole blood and plasma samples. This test is used as an aid in the diagnosis of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), deep vein thrombosis (DVT), and pulmonary embolism. For IN VITRO diagnostic use only.
Results in 5 minutes.Storage at room temperature.
Sensibility: 98,9%
Sample: Whole blood, serum or plasma
Specificity: 92,5%
Presentation: Kit with 10 tests
Anvisa Registration: 80638720060
PCT Rapid Test
The PCT Rapid Test is a semi-quantitative immunochromatographic rapid test for the detection of procalcitonin (PCT) at a concentration equal to or greater than 0.5 ng/mL. This test is used as an aid in the diagnosis of suspected progression to septicemia, providing preliminary results.
Results in 30 minutes.
Sensibility: 94,4%
Sample: Serum or plasma
Specificity: 97,8%
Presentation: Kits with 20 ou 30 tests
Anvisa Registration: 80638720109
PCR Test
The PCR Rapid Test is an immunochromatographic rapid test for the qualitative detection of C-reactive protein (CRP) to assist in the diagnosis of inflammatory or infectious processes.
Results in 5 minutes
Sensibility: 96,7%
Sample: Whole blood, serum ou plasma
Specificity: 98,5%
Presentation: Kits with 10, 20 or 30 tests
Anvisa Registration: 80638720124
Calprotectina Test
The Calprotectin Rapid Test is a qualitative immunochromatographic assay for the detection of calprotectin. This test is used to aid in the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease, providing preliminary results.
Results in 5 minutes
Sensibility: 97,8%
Sample: Human stool
Specificity: 99%
Presentation: Kits with 10, 20 or 30 tests
Anvisa Registration: 80638720133
HbA1C Rapid Test
The HbA1c Rapid Test is a rapid immunochromatographic test for semi quantitative detection of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), to aid in the monitoring of Diabetes Mellitus.
Results in 10 minutes
Sensibility: >99,9%
Sample: Whole blood
Specificity: 98,7%
Presentation: Kits with 10, 20 or 30 tests
Anvisa Registration: 80638720116
Tipagem Sanguínea Rapid Test
The Blood Typing Rapid Test is a rapid qualitative immunochromatographic test for the differential detection of ABO blood group antigens and Rh factor. It is for professional IN VITRO diagnostic use only.
Results as fast as 1 minute
Sensibility: >99,9%
Sample: Whole blood
Specificity: >99,9%
Presentation: Kit with 10, 20 or 30 tests
Anvisa Registration: 80638720171